Computer and Communication Networks
As the number and variety of communication services grow, so do the challenges of designing cost-effective networks that meet the requirements of emerging technologies in wireless, sensor, and mesh networks. Get and download textbook Computer and Communication Networks for free
Springer 9780387744360 Analysis of Computer and Communication Networks Description Analysis of Computer and Communication Networks provides the basic techniques for modeling and analyzing two of the fundamental components of high performance networks: switching equipment, and software employed at the end nodes and intermediate switches. The book also reviews the design options used to build efficient switching equipment. Topics covered include Markov chains and queuing analysis, traffic modelin
Computer and Communication Networks is the first book to offer balanced coverage of all these topics using extensive case studies and examples. This essential reference begins by providing a solid foundation in TCP/IP schemes, wireless networking, Internet applications, and network security. The author then delves into the field's analytical aspects and advanced networking protocols. Students and researchers will find up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of fundamental and advanced networking topics, including:Packet-switched networks and Internet Networ Computer and Communication Networks new edition
Download free books for Computer and Communication Networks, 9780131389106
Computer and Communication Networks, ISBN-13: 9780131389106, ISBN-10: 0131389106
author fayez gebali format paperback language english publication year 12 02 2010 subject computing it subject 2 computer communications networking title analysis of computer and communication networks author fayez gebali publisher springer us publication date jul 02 2008 pages 704 binding paperback isbn 1441945024 subject technology engineering general brand new paperback all orders get full access to our online status tracking service allowing you to view realtime order progress your order wil
Analysis of Computer and Communication Networks provides the basic techniques for modeling and analyzing two of the fundamental components of high performance networks: switching equipment, and software employed at the end nodes and intermediate switches. The book also reviews the design options used to build efficient switching equipment. Topics covered include Markov chains and queuing analysis, traffic modeling, interconnection networks, and switch architectures and buffering strategies. This book covers the mathematical theory and techniques necessary for analyzing telecommunication system
Contributors: Fayez Gebali - Author. Format: Hardcover
Computer and Communication Networks Textbook
Students and researchers will find up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of fundamental and advanced networking topics, including:Packet-switched networks and Internet Networ