CISSP For Dummies
The bestselling guide to CISSP certification - now fully updated for the latest exam!There are currently over 75,000 CISSP certified people out there and thousands take this exam each year. Get and download textbook CISSP For Dummies for free
A fully updated guide to CISSP certificationCISSP certification is the most prestigious and highly valued of the security certifications. This is the book you need to approach the exam with confidence and become CISSP certified The CISSP Body of Knowledge underwent many changes in 2012, and this book covers them all. With a down-to-earth approach, it provides all the information covered in the exam plus numerous self-assessment tools, Quick Assessment and Prep tests to give you practice, a sample exam, and hundreds of randomly generated review questions on the Dummies Test Engine, available on the companion website.The coveted CISSP certification is the most prestigious of the security certifications; this popular guide covers all the latest updates to prepare you for the exam Includes various self-assessment tools to help you gauge your progress, including Quick Assessment tests at the beginning of every chapter, a Prep Test at the end of every chapter, a sample exam, and hundreds of randomly generated test questions Features the popular Dummies Test Engine on the companion website Offers test-taking tips and plenty of resources for further study'CISSP For Dummies, 4th Edition' gives you the tools to take the CISSP exam with confidence and earn your certification
The topics covered in the exam include: network security, security management, systems development, cryptography, disaster recovery, law, and physical security. CISSP For Dummies, 3rd Edition is the bestselling guide that covers the CISSP exam and helps prepare those wanting to take this security exam. The 3rd Edition features 200 additional pages of new content to provide thorough coverage and reflect changes to the exam. Written by security experts and well-known Dummies authors, Peter Gregory and Larry Miller, this book is the perfect, no-nonsense gu CISSP For Dummies new edition
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Buy CISSP For Dummies by Miller,Peter H. Gregory CISA, CISSP and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
The fun and easy way(r) to pass the CISSP exam and get certified Cramming for the CISSP exam? This friendly test-prep guide makes studying a snap! Prepared by two CISSP-certified experts, it gets you up to speed on the latest changes to the exam and gives you proven test-taking tips. You&''ll find complete coverage of all ten domains of the (ISC)? Common Body of knowledge to help you pass with flying colors.
The fun and easy way(r) to pass the CISSP exam and get certified Cramming for the CISSP exam? This friendly test-prep guide makes studying a snap! Prepared by two CISSP-certified experts, it gets you up to speed on the latest changes to the exam and gives you proven test-taking tips. You&'ll find complete coverage of all ten domains of the (ISC)? Common Body of knowledge to help you pass with flying colors.
Product Category: Books ISBN: 0764516701 Title: CISSP for Dummies Condition: Good. Author(s): Gregory, Peter, Gregory CISA CISSP, Peter H., Miller, Lawrence C.Binding: Paperback Publisher: For Dummies Pages: 432 List Price (MSRP): 39.99 Keywords: 100% of this purchase will support literacy programs through a nonprofit organization! ATTN: INTERNATIONAL BUYERS- We ship via United States Postal Service and our tracking numbers will only work until your package leaves the USA. Contact your local po
CISSP For Dummies Textbook
Written by security experts and well-known Dummies authors, Peter Gregory and Larry Miller, this book is the perfect, no-nonsense gu