Open-Channel Flow
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Open-Channel Flow Springer 9780387301747 09780387301747
Open-Channel Flow new edition
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Open Channel Flow: Henderson
Open Channel Flow, 2nd edition is written for senior-level undergraduate and graduate courses on steady and unsteady open-channel flow. The book is comprised of two parts: Part I covers steady flow and Part II describes unsteady flow. The second edition features considerable emphasis on the presentation of modern methods for computer analyses; full coverage of unsteady flow; inclusion of typical computer programs; new problem sets and a complete solution manual for instructors. *Author: Chaudhry, M. Hanif *Binding Type: Hardcover *Number of Pages: 523 *Publication Date: 2007/12/04 *Language: E
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Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow An Introduction Basic Principles, Sediment Motion, Hydraulic Modelling, Desin of Hydraulic Structures, ISBN-13: 9780750659789, ISBN-10: 0750659785
Open-Channel Flow Textbook