Data Structures and Abstractions with Java (2nd Edition)
Using the latest features of Java 5, this unique object-oriented presentation introduces readers to data structures via thirty, manageable chapters. Get and download textbook Data Structures and Abstractions with Java (2nd Edition) for free
Categories: Data abstraction->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data structures->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Hardcover
A KEY FeaturesTOPICS: Introduces each ADT in its own chapter, including examples or applications. Provides A aA variety of exercises and projects, plus additional self-assessment questions throughout. the text A Includes generic data types as well as enumerations, for-each loops, the interface Iterable, the class Scanner, assert statements, and autoboxing and unboxing. Identifies important Java code as a Listing. Provides NNotes and Pprogramming Ttips in each chapter. For programmers and software engineers interested in learning more about data structures and abstractions. Data Structures and Abstractions with Java new edition
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Categories: Data abstraction->Software engineering, Data structures->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language. Contributors: Frank M. Carrano - Author. Format: NOOK Study
Categories: Data structures->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data abstraction->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Data structures->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data abstraction->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Data abstraction->Software engineering, Java (Computer program language), Data structures->Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Carrano - Author. Format: Hardcover
Data Structures and Abstractions with Java Textbook
A KEY FeaturesTOPICS: Introduces each ADT in its own chapter, including examples or applications. Provides A aA variety of exercises and projects, plus additional self-assessment questions throughout. the text A Includes generic data types as well as enumerations, for-each loops, the interface Iterable, the class Scanner, assert statements, and autoboxing and unboxing. Identifies important Java code as a Listing