Practical Embedded Security: Building Secure Resource-Constrained Systems (Embedded Technology)
The great strides made over the last decade in the complexity and network functionality of embedded systems have significantly enhanced their attractiveness for use in critical applications such as medical devices and military communications. Get and download textbook Practical Embedded Security: Building Secure Resource-Constrained Systems (Embedded Technology) for free
author timothy stapko format paperback language english publication year 23 10 2007 subject engineering technology subject 2 energy technology electrical engineering practical embedded security by timothy stapko published by newnes elsevier science not quite what you re looking for see more books in other free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce computing and it history and topography language and linguistics law a
However, this expansion into critical areas has presented embedded engineers with a serious new problem: their designs are now being targeted by the same malicious attackers whose predations have plagued traditional systems for years. Rising concerns about data security in embedded devices are leading engineers to pay more attention to security assurance in their designs than ever before. This is particularly challenging due to embedded devices' inherent resource constraints such as limited power and memory. Practical Embedded Security new edition
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Practical Embedded Security: Building Secure Resource-Constrained Systems: Timothy Stapko
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Practical Embedded Security, ISBN-13: 9780750682152, ISBN-10: 0750682159
Practical Embedded Security
Practical Embedded Security Textbook