Windows 7 For Dummies
The perfect plain-English guide to the much-anticipated release of Windows 7Whether you're new to computers or just eager to start using the newest version of Windows, Windows For Dummies, Enhanced Edition answers all your questions about the changes and new tools in Windows 7, enhanced with detailed video tutorials. Get and download textbook Windows 7 For Dummies for free
Windows 7 & Office 2010 For Dummies Book + DVD Bundle
Windows expert Andy Rathbone walks you step by step through the most common Windows 7 tasks, including managing files, applications, media, and Internet access. You'll learn how to navigate the interface, customize the desktop, and work with the file system. You'll then go deeper into the system, discovering new features and improvements, and finding tips and techniques for getting the most out of Windows 7. Covers basic manag Windows 7 For Dummies new edition
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Windows 7 for Dummies
Windows 7 and Office 2010 for Dummies [With 2 DVDs]
Features interactive demos, comprehensive tutorials, reviews, troubleshooting tips and more! Broken down into detailed lessons, each designed to help you learn at your own pace. Learn how to personalize your desktop, create user accounts, build a home network, manage files and so much more. Become an expert at creating professional documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Milestones feature allows you to perform tasks to test your ability so you retain knowledge. My Notes tab allows you to save information you find especially helpful. Glossary of Terms provides additional reference if/when y
Categories: Windows 7. Contributors: Steve Johnson - Author. Format: NOOK Study
Windows 7 For Dummies Textbook
Covers basic manag