Metrics for IT Service Management
This book considers the design and implementation of metrics in service organizations using industry standard frameworks. Get and download textbook Metrics for IT Service Management for free
How do you measure and report your ITIL processes? Which ITIL metrics matter the most to Senior Executives? Finally, there is a book that shows you how This is not a theoretical treatise, but a practical guide that shows you the operational metrics to use and how these can be calculated into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Critical Success factors (CSFs) that resonate with Senior Management. In this book you will learn about: Defining and building a comprehensive ITIL metrics program; Which metrics are the most important and how to calculate them; Dealing with staff resistance to a metrics program; Tips and suggestions for what to do if inadequate tools and reporting exist; Suggested work plan for how to build your metrics program step-by-step. In addition, this book contains a helpful CD with a helpful IT Service Management modeling tool that covers all 10 ITIL processes. Simply enter your key operational metrics and the KPIs and CSFs get automatically calculated This is a comprehensive guide for building any ITIL metrics program with all the information you need in one place. Finally, someone tackled the mystery of ITIL metrics and put it all in one place No theory here...this gives us the real metrics we can easily go after... A fantastic addition to our ITIL reference library and our IT Service Management solution set
It uses the ITIL process structure and many principles from the ITIL and ISO20000 (BS15000) as a basis.It is a general guide to the use of metrics as a mechanism to control and steer IT service organizations. A major reason for covering this topic is that many organizations have found it very difficult to use metrics properly. This book will deal with the causes of the difficulties to implementing metrics and will present workable solutions. Badly designed metrics can be actively harmful to an organization's proper functioning. Producing a set of metrics that avoids the pitfalls and delivers genuine value is not easy. Thi Metrics for IT Service Management new edition
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payment | shipping rates | returns Metrics for IT Service Management Peter Brooks ISBN: 9077212698 Title: Metrics for IT Service Management Author: Peter Brooks Book Condition: Good Item Notes: Binding: Paperback Publication Date: 2006-01-31 Publisher: Van Haren Publishing Pages: 202 Height: 0.7900 inches Width: 6.6900 inches Weight: 0.9300 pounds About Us
Metrics for IT Service Management : Paperback : Van Haren Publishing : 9789077212691 : 9077212698 : 01 Apr 2006 : Considers the design and implementation of metrics in service organizations using industry standard frameworks. This book uses the ITIL process structure and many principles from the ITIL and ISO20000 (BS15000) as a basis. It is a general guide to the use of metrics as a mechanism to control and steer IT service organizations.
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Metrics for IT Service Management by Peter Brooks, Tieneke Verheijen Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New This book considers the design and implementation of metrics in service organizations using industry standard frameworks. It uses the ITIL process structure and many principles from the ITIL and ISO20000 (BS15000) as a basis. Publisher Description This book considers the design and implementation of metrics in
New Paperback.
Metrics for IT Service Management Textbook
It uses the ITIL process structure and many principles from the ITIL and ISO20000 (BS15000) as a basis.It is a general guide to the use of metrics as a mechanism to control and steer IT service organizations. A major reason for covering this topic is that many organizations have found it very difficult to use metrics properly. This book will deal with the causes of the difficulties to implementing metrics and will present workable solutions