An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods
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This is the first comprehensive introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVMs), a new generation learning system based on recent advances in statistical learning theory. Students will find the book both stimulating and accessible, while practitioners will be guided smoothly through the material required for a good grasp of the theory and its applications. The concepts are introduced gradually in accessible and self-contained stages, while the presentation is rigorous and thorough. Pointers to relevant literature and web sites containing software make it an ideal starting point for further study.
An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods new edition
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An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods: John Shawe-Taylor, Nello Cristianini
author john shawe taylor author nello christianini author nello cristianini format hardback language english publication year 23 03 2000 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming an introduction to support vector machines and other kernel based learning methods by nello cristianini john shawe taylor published by cambridge university press not quite what you re looking for see more books in computing and it free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see book
Categories: Kernel functions. Contributors: Nello Cristianini - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Kernel functions. Contributors: Nello Cristianini - Author. Format: Hardcover
An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods Textbook