Simulation Using ProModel
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"ISBN 0071086447; 100% Brand NEW; Charles Harrell McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; Simulation Using ProModel, 3rd Edition"
Simulation Using ProModel new edition
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Simulation Using Promodel , ISBN-13: 9780073112114, ISBN-10: 0073112119
Title: Simulation Using ProModel
Author: Charles Harrell
Format: International edition/paperback
Edition: 3rd edition
-Want the US Hardcover edition look for isbn-13: 9780073401300
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Title: Simulation Using ProModel
Author: Charles Harrell
Format: International edition/paperback
Edition: 3rd edition
-Want the US Hardcover edition look for isbn-13: 9780073401300
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*International Edition* Softcover * Simulation Using ProModel by Harrell NEW!! 3 Item Description : Our book is "brand new" condition which is paperback/soft cover with premium Quality. Color printed in ENGLISH and on a high-grade paper. The Cover Design (Paperback) and ISBN of International Edition Textbooks are different from US Edition. Further, International Edition Textbooks sometimes contain different questions and exercises compare to the regular US Edition. Generally, International Edit
"Simulation Using ProModel (3rd Edition), ISBN-13: 9780073401300, ISBN-10: 0073401307 by Charles Harrell. "
Simulation Using ProModel Textbook