Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems: A Practitioner's Handbook (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)
Get and download textbook Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems: A Practitioner's Handbook (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing) for free
This book deals with the application of neural networks for modeling and control of nonlinear systems. It comprehensively covers the most promising neural network based control designs and takes a pragmatic approach with emphasis on the practical implementation in a wide class of systems. It provides sufficient theoretical background and introduces sound working procedures for maximizing the performance of neural networks, a factor that will make the book invaluable to the practitioner. Well-tested MATLAB tools are also available from the authors. Author: Norgaard, Magnus, Ravn, OE, Poulsen, NK, Hansen, LK ISBN-10: 1852332270
Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems new edition
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Springer 9781852332273 Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems: A Practitioner S Handbook (2000. Corr. 3rd Edition) Description A comprehensive introduction to the most popular class of neural network, the multilayer perceptron, showing how it can be used for system identification and control. The book provides readers with a sufficient theoretical background to understand the characteristics of different methods, and to be aware of the pit-falls so as to make the correct d
A comprehensive introduction to the most popular class of neural network, the multilayer perceptron, showing how it can be used for system identification and control. The book provides readers with a sufficient theoretical background to understand the characteristics of different methods, and to be aware of the pit-falls so as to make the correct decisions in all situations. This is a very application-oriented text that gives detailed and pragmatic recommendations to guide users through the plethora of methods suggested in the literature. Furthermore, it introduces sound working procedures tha
Categories: Automatic control, Computer simulation, Automatic control. Contributors: M. Norgaard - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Automatic control, Computer simulation, Automatic control. Contributors: M. Norgaard - Author. Format: Paperback
Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems Textbook