Foundations of MEMS (2nd Edition)
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Foundations of MEMS new edition
Download free books for 9780132497367, Foundations of MEMS 2nd Edition by Chang Liu
Title: Foundations of MEMS
Author: Chang Liu
Edition: 2nd edition
Format: US edition/Hardcover
-Do you want to only spend approximately $80.00 get the international edition with isbn-13:9780273752240
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Title: Foundations of MEMS
Author: Chang Liu
Edition: 2nd edition
Format: US edition/Hardcover
-Do you want to only spend approximately $80.00 get the international edition with isbn-13:9780273752240
All Sales are Final.
"ISBN: 9780132497367 - For courses in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) taken by advanced undergraduate students, beginning graduate students, and professionals. Foundations of MEMS is an entry-level text designed to systematically teach the specifics of MEMS to an interdisciplinary audience. Liu discusses designs, materials, and fabrication issues related to the MEMS field by employing concepts from both the electrical and mechanical engineering domains and by incorporating evolving microfabrication technology --- all in a time-efficient and methodical manner. A wealth of examples and p
Foundations of Mems, ISBN-13: 9780132497367, ISBN-10: 0132497360
"ISBN 9780132497367; 100% Brand NEW; Chang Liu Prentice Hall; Foundations of MEMS, 2nd Edition"
Foundations of MEMS Textbook