High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice
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payment | shipping rates | returns High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice Product Category :Books ISBN :0072226250 Title :High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice EAN :9780072226256 Authors :Delaney, Bob, Purba, Sanjiv Binding :Hardcover Publisher :McGraw-Hill Osborne Media Publication Date :2003-02-10 Pages :432 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :39.99 Height :1.6500 inches Width :6.0600 inches Length :9.5800 inches Weight
High-Value IT Consulting new edition
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High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice: Bob Delaney, Sanjiv Purba
High-Value It Consulting 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice, ISBN-13: 9780072226256, ISBN-10: 0072226250
Categories: Electronic data processing consultants, Business consultants. Contributors: Sanjiv Purba - Author. Format: Paperback
-- Gives advice on running engagements successfully and satisfying clients so they return for future engagements.-- Includes illustrative anecdotes: real life case examples and anecdotes from industry experts and well known names that illustrate what they did right and what they did wrong in IT consulting. Industry experts include client executives in the Fortune 500 (eg Goldman Sachs, Bank of America), leaders in the Big 5 consulting organizations, independent consultants, clients buying from vendors on a routine basis, and more.-- Designed for international appeal through inclusion of interv
High-Value IT Consulting Textbook