Software for Automation: Architecture, Integration, and Security
This implementation-oriented book provides a clear and concise presentation of how to fully apply software in automation. Get and download textbook Software for Automation: Architecture, Integration, and Security for free
Categories: Automation. Contributors: Jonas Berge - Author. Format: Paperback
It provides "how-to" information for all phases of the system lifecycle from configuration, system integration, troubleshooting, and engineering, to administration. Software for Automation explains the application of key software technologies in automation terms: OPC, DDE, ActiveX, VBA, SQL, ODBC, ADO, OLE, COM/DCOM, XML,.NET, and more. The text also addresses concerns and solutions for safety, availability, 21CFR11, and cyber security. One chapter helps engineers justify benefits to management in business terms. Written for automation people, rather than IT professionals and programmers, the introduction gives a cursory Software for Automation new edition
Download free books for Software for Automation: Architecture, Integration, and Security
Categories: Automation. Contributors: Jonas Berge - Author. Format: Paperback
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author jonas berge format paperback language english publication year 15 06 2005 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title software for automation architecture integration and security author berge jonas publisher isa publication date feb 18 2005 pages 325 binding paperback edition 1 st edition dimensions 6 75 wx 9 75 hx 0 75 d isbn 1556178980 subject technology engineering automation description intended for automation engineers this book provides a broad overvie
Software For Automation Architecture, Integration, And Security, ISBN-13: 9781556178986, ISBN-10: 1556178980
Software for Automation Textbook
It provides "how-to" information for all phases of the system lifecycle from configuration, system integration, troubleshooting, and engineering, to administration. Software for Automation explains the application of key software technologies in automation terms: OPC, DDE, ActiveX, VBA, SQL, ODBC, ADO, OLE, COM/DCOM, XML,.NET, and more. The text also addresses concerns and solutions for safety, availability, 21CFR11, and cyber security
Written for automation people, rather than IT professionals and programmers, the introduction gives a cursory