Functional JavaScript: Introducing Functional Programming with Underscore.js
While some web developers dismiss JavaScript as a flawed language, this succinct book shows you how to make the best of it by practicing a functional style of JavaScript programming. Get and download textbook Functional JavaScript: Introducing Functional Programming with Underscore.js for free
Functional Javascript
ritten by Michael Fogus-a core contributor to Clojure and ClojureScript, and author of The Joy of Clojure (Manning)-this book is packed with not only the how of functional programming, but also the why. Each topic illustrated with pointed examples. You'll also get a thorough reference to the Underscore.js library and its idioms, including:Closures Applicative programming Laziness Immutability Higher-order functions Purity Combinators Currying and partial application Functional JavaScript new edition
Download free books for Functional Javascript: Introducing Functional Programming With Underscore.js (Paperback)
While some web developers dismiss JavaScript as a flawed language, this succinct book shows you how to make the best of it by practicing a functional style of JavaScript programming. Written by Michael Fogusa core contributor to Clojure and ClojureScript, and author of The Joy of Clojure (Manning)this book is packed with not only the how of functional programming, but also the why . Each topic illustrated with pointed examples. Youll also get a thorough reference to the Underscore.js library and its idioms, including: Closures Applicative programming Laziness Immutability Higher-order function
Contributors: Michael Fogus - Author. Format: Paperback
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Functional JavaScript Textbook
js library and its idioms, including:Closures Applicative programming Laziness Immutability Higher-order functions Purity Combinators Currying and partial application