Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines (Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining)
An easy-to-follow introduction to support vector machinesThis book provides an in-depth, easy-to-follow introduction to support vector machines drawing only from minimal, carefully motivated technical and mathematical background material. Get and download textbook Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines (Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining) for free
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines by Lutz Hamel Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Support Vector Machines (SVM technology) is one of the most user-friendly learning technologies available. Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines provides an accessible introduction to model building and knowledge discovery with one of the preeminent algorithms. Publisher Description An easy-to-follow intro
It begins with a cohesive discussion of machine learning and goes on to cover:Knowledge discovery environmentsDescribing data mathematicallyLinear decision surfaces and functionsPerceptron learningMaximum margin classifiersSupport vector machinesElements of statistical learning theoryMulti-class classificationRegression with support vector machinesNovelty detectionComplemented with hands-on exercises, algorithm descriptions, and data sets, Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines is an invalua Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines new edition
Download free books for Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines (Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining)
Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines (Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining) - Lutz H. Hamel
An easy-to-follow introduction to support vector machines This book provides an in-depth, easy-to-follow introduction to support vector machines drawing only from minimal, carefully motivated technical and mathematical background material. It begins with a cohesive discussion of machine learning and goes on to cover: Knowledge discovery environments Describing data mathematically Linear decision surfaces and functions Perceptron learning Maximum margin classifiers Support vector machines Elements of statistical learning theory Multi-class classification Regression with support vector machines
Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines (Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining), ISBN-13: 9780470371923, ISBN-10: 0470371927
Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines
Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines Textbook
t begins with a cohesive discussion of machine learning and goes on to cover:Knowledge discovery environmentsDescribing data mathematicallyLinear decision surfaces and functionsPerceptron learningMaximum margin classifiersSupport vector machinesElements of statistical learning theoryMulti-class classificationRegression with support vector machinesNovelty detectionComplemented with hands-on exercises, algorithm descriptions, and data sets, Knowledge Discovery with Support Vector Machines is an invalua